Tuesday, January 11, 2005

ePhilanthropy eZine: Case Study: Oxfam Helps Others By Using Internet

ePhilanthropy eZine: Case Study: Oxfam Helps Others By Using Internet: "Case Study: Oxfam Helps Others By Using Internet
'we were taking in over two million dollars a day'
Dave Moore, Oxfam America

When I first heard about the tsunami, I was relaxing in Maine, playing with my niece and nephew, consciously avoiding the media. I quickly checked my email and was relieved to see that people were already working on the response. Out of mere curiosity, I checked the donation figures and was surprised to see that people had already given $25,000 to tsunami relief. �Hmm�That�s a bit higher than I expected,� I thought to myself. Then I turned on the TV."


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