Students, Citizen Networks, Think Tanks, and Nonprofits Combine for Virtual Dialogues with Tsunami-Affected Region
Students, Citizen Networks, Think Tanks, and Nonprofits Combine for Virtual Dialogues with Tsunami-Affected Region: "Students, Citizen Networks, Think Tanks, and Nonprofits Combine for Virtual Dialogues with Tsunami-Affected Region
January 20, 2005
On January 26, people from around the United States and the United Kingdom will sit down face to face with victims of the South Asian tsunami for an unprecedented live videoconference dialogue. The event is designed to strengthen public awareness of the need for development in South Asia and ensure that the generosity inspired by the disaster continues even after the region leaves the headlines. This first videoconference will feature speakers from Sri Lanka and will occur exactly one month after the tsunami killed upwards of 150,000 people and spawned the largest United Nations relief effort in history. "
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