CharityVillage� NewsWeek: Spotlight 'Overwhelming sadness' but still getting the message out
CharityVillage� NewsWeek: Spotlight: "Spotlight
Celebrating the rich and diverse contributions made by Canadian individuals and organizations to the enrichment of life, and the building of a better society.
This week, the Spotlight is on . . ..
'Overwhelming sadness' but still getting the message out
By Cam Tait
TORONTO, ON // There was a time when exhaustion zoomed through Nicole Ireland. The telephone was constantly ringing. People wanted information. Others were looking for a way to contribute.
Then Ireland somehow found a burst of energy and put everything into perspective. 'What we were going through at the office was a fraction of what people - including our colleagues - were going through on the ground where the tsunami hit,' she says in a telephone interview. 'It reminded me that our job was to get the money in so our colleagues could get the work done.'"
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