Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Accuracy In Media - AIM Report: Tsunami of Media Bias Hits America - February A

Accuracy In Media - AIM Report: Tsunami of Media Bias Hits America - February A
AIM Report: Tsunami of Media Bias Hits America - February A
February 1, 2005 "Perhaps the holidays have left the editing staff short-handed, and silly articles are more likely to get into the paper between Christmas and New Year's Day, but I expected better from The Post."
The anti-Bush media bias that preceded the President's re-election was back in a big way at the end of the year when officials of the United Nations and some influential journalists started a campaign blaming the U.S. for being "stingy" and "slow" to respond to the Asian tsunami disaster. The purpose of the campaign was two-fold—to rehabilitate the U.N., making the organization look relevant in world affairs, and to damage Bush politically as he attempts badly needed legislative reforms of the Social Security, legal, and income tax systems.


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