Monday, March 07, 2005

Asia Quake Disaster: CARE's Response in India

Asia Quake Disaster: CARE's Response in India
Asia Quake Disaster: CARE's Response in India
CARE has worked in India since 1950, and we have more than 700 staff in the country. (©2005 CARE/Sarah Bones)

Recent updates:

CARE helped meet the basic survival needs of 50,000 people by providing water purification materials, clothing, plastic sheeting for temporary shelter, sleeping mats and sheets, soap, cooking utensils and basic medicines.
In the ravaged village of Pazhiyar, CARE also provided 500 temporary houses with electricity and nearby water taps and latrines for displaced families.
With our kits containing drawing pencils, textbooks, slates and other basic items, children are returning to school and restoring some semblance of normalcy to their lives.


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